Why WordPress is the Most Flexible CMS on the Market

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The Internet has established itself nowadays as an essential tool in almost all areas of daily life.
With an estimated number of users of more than 4.6 billion worldwide, it has become the largest network that brings together the various actors that make up human societies.
To train, train, inform, or even get informed, the Internet appears to be the fastest and most advantageous channel for reaching the masses without even having to travel.
Thanks to the different platforms that make up the content of the web world, it is easy to access everything you need, regardless of your geographical location.
For all structures in general and companies more specifically, there is no longer any question of letting slip the different advantages that the Internet offers them to increase their visibility throughout the world.

They are therefore working to make a domain in the great space of the web to expose their different activities: websites.
Depending on the nature of their activities and the objective they pursue on the Net, they opt for different types of websites. Which leads them to adopt a content management system.
One of the content management systems and moreover the most used for the creation of websites in the world is WordPress.
Discover in this article the reasons why WordPress is the most flexible CMS & also what is wordPress hosting is on the market.

WordPress: What is it?

Often mistaken for a web hosting platform though it does provide cheap wordPress hosting, WordPress is an open-source content management system. It is a very practical tool that allows you to create the skeleton of a blog or a website.
Unlike other content management systems, WordPress offers its users a simple and easy-to-use interface. It is flexible and customizable down to the smallest detail, allowing the user to set up a blog or website that responds to your concerns.
Also, the WordPress user does not need any prior knowledge of web development. Because the use of this tool does not require any code development or web programming.
Thanks to its ease and flexibility, WordPress has made a name for itself among website creators. Moreover, it ranks at the top of all the statistics produced on content management systems.

According to a study, it appears that WordPress is the most important, most used content management system, far ahead of all its competitors.
According to statistics from the survey, 60% of websites are built using the WordPress content management system.
The statistic shows that more than 75 million sites and blogs on the net are managed by WordPress. A feat that it undoubtedly owes to the many advantages and advantages it gives to its users.
However, there is more to WordPress than just content management system software. It more or less offers other services beyond its blog and website development tool.
When choosing a web host, make sure it can support specific features, scripts, or applications for your website to work well like Hostinger.
On the other hand, if your web host’s site interface is too difficult to navigate, look for a simpler solution.
To perform well, your website will need a fast response time. The speed usually depends on the available bandwidth. If your website is not fast enough, users will not be able to view your web pages easily.

This can cause problems if multiple users attempt to access it at the same time. Make sure your web host has multiple servers like Hostinger which has launched its facility in Mumbai, India for the first time. You can enjoy high-speed server usage from an India-based Hostinger server as well as overseas.
Don’t choose a web host just because it’s the cheapest. Finding the best price is important, but choosing a web host solely for price reasons is a mistake. Chances are you’re sacrificing quality and security, two essentials in any website hosting company.
To host a WordPress a hosting server is required, there are many in the market like – Bluehost, Hostgator, GoDaddy, etc but we would recommend Hostinger as it provides services that give the flexibility to have a dedicated or shared hosting.
One can switch the Hosting from one platform to Hostinger with ease.
To better understand the other WordPress services, you must first understand the nuances between WordPress.org and WordPress.com.

WordPress.org - WordPress.com: what are the differences?

When the name “WordPress” is pronounced, everyone thinks directly of the content management system developed by the eponymous publisher. But in reality, this is only one of the benefits of the publisher.
WordPress as a whole is divided into two compartments, each of which offers customers various services. So you will find:


WordPress.org refers to the compartment of the web editor that offers the content management system that the majority of blogs and websites use to design their skeletons.
Thus, WordPress.org is open-source software for building blogs and sites. It differs from WordPress.com in particular by its free offers.
Indeed, WordPress.org is a platform from which you can download the WordPress installation folder.
The latter being a tool, completely free software that you can install on your computer and whose interface gives you complete freedom to make the modifications of your choice.
You then have the freedom, once the interface of your blog or your site is ready, to host it with any web hosting provider.
Thus, the nuance between WordPress.org and WordPress.com is in the offers that each of them offers to customers.

Which to choose between WordPress.org and WordPress.com?

It happens that some beginners in the field of creating blogs and sites wonder which one to choose between the two offers offered by WordPress.
It’s simple! To know which of these two offers would suit you best, you should do an analysis of your skills in the field of web development.
Indeed, if you have the necessary skills to customize the WordPress CMS software interface yourself, and you master the procedure to host the skeleton of your site with an independent provider, you can opt for WordPress.org.
But, if you doubt your potential to create a professional site worthy of the name, with the contribution of experienced web designers in this field, you’d better opt for the offer of WordPress.com.
However, you can find a WordPress agency to assist you in the design and hosting of your website even if you opt for the WordPress.com offer without any prior knowledge of web development.

Why is WordPress the most popular CMS for creating blogs and websites?

The supremacy of the WordPress content management system over all other CMS is no longer a secret. Out of four websites, you will find on the Internet, at least two are built on WordPress content management system software. And of course for several reasons. Among other reasons, you have:

Free CMS and Open Source WordPress

To simply use the WordPress content management system, i.e. WordPress.org, you do not have to pay any fees. A great advantage that competing CMS often does not give to their users.
You just need to download the CMS software for free on your computer. As soon as the software is downloaded and installed, you can access the interface on your computer and begin the final customization.
Moreover, you can even customize the interface of the WordPress content management system offline before synchronizing your work later as soon as you access an Internet connection. This is one of the strengths that make WordPress special.

The flexibility of the WordPress CMS

It is more than obvious that the greatest weapon of conquest used by WordPress is its great flexibility when it comes to CMS and Open Source. Indeed, all the functionalities are modifiable and therefore totally customizable on the CMS and the Open source. 

This allows the creator of the site who has the freedom to choose the backgrounds of his taste, to add the functionalities he needs on his site. 

It can also remove non-useful options and give all possible directions to the site interface. Thus, users have no constraints in customizing their site by opting for WordPress.

  • showcase sites for individuals or companies;
  • e-commerce sites with all the purchasing and secure payment functionalities;
  • blogs that can support audiovisual content;
  • e-learning platforms capable of supporting several users at the same time;
  • Portfolios;
  • chatrooms;
  • Forums;
  • virtual press sites;
  • virtual galleries.

WordPress has many extensions that allow you to customize your site in order to have a tailor-made one that fully meets your expectations, regardless of the type of site you want.

The freedom to host your site wherever you want

The use of WordPress as a content management system gives site creators complete freedom to host their sites with the web hosting provider of their choice like cheap WordPress hosting. Unlike other much more restrictive CMS, you can host your site with this CMS on your own company’s servers if you have the means and the necessary capacities to ensure their maintenance and their IT security. Thus, it is the CMS that gives you the greatest freedom during the creation of your site.

The ease of use of its space dedicated to administrators

The space that the WordPress CMS dedicates to site administrators is easy to use. It is certainly secure to avoid unwanted intrusions but is very easy to use. For example, to put an article online on your site, with the administrator space offered by WordPress, you do not need any developer. 

All you have to do is access the section in which you want to put the article online from the user interface. You will therefore be able to fill in the various boxes necessary to publish. 

You do not need, as is the case with some CMS, to introduce codes in the language of your text or your product before publishing it. 

Also, the blogs of the sites of WordPress are simple to manage, because adapted to the language of HTML.

The availability of enough initiating support on the use of WordPress

One of the reasons why WordPress is the most used CMS is undoubtedly the availability of communication media around its use. 

Indeed, on the Net as in computer documentation centers, there are several documents and tutorials that enlighten and initiate the use of the WordPress content management system. 

Thanks to the availability of documents and tutorials about it, WordPress has built a very large and invested community. 

This communication contributed to the popularity of the CMS which today is at the top without any real competition.

To stand out from other CMS

WordPress is recognized nowadays for its great flexibility. This is why many users appreciate it. 

This flexibility is not a weakness, but a particularity to stand out from the large batch of CMS that compete with it on the market. 

It must therefore be said that WordPress is the most flexible CMS on the market because it is one of the singularities of the WordPress brand.

To leave freedom to creators to design custom sites

WordPress is the most flexible CMS on the market because it wants to leave the responsibility of site customization to web developers. Thus, they will create tailor-made sites that will live up to their own expectations.

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